• Parkrun Roundup – 24 Feb 24

    Despite all the real racing going on elsewhere there were still 21 of us out and about taking part in 10 different Parkrun events at the weekend. Some special parkrun performances though as folks were changing plans in face of many weather cancellations (not least the National XC Champs).

    Parkrun highlights included:

    • Our young lads pitching up at Poole parkrun for a bit of a burn-up with 5 runners sub 17 and 4 of those in the first 10 finishers….plus 1 to both those numbers as Ruben was there too
    • Sam Wilkinson gets a special mention as 2nd finisher up in Shrewsbury….the first finisher didn’t have a barcode to technically Sam was FF!
    • A fine group of 5 of us chose Ganger Farm as their wet weather diversion….plus 2 as Simon and Lee were there too
    • The Wilkinson’s were our top tourists…..up in Shrewsbury.