• Jul

    Cotswolds Way Relay

    Team Relay
    Trail Running (10km to Marathon)

    Event Details

    Start Time: 07:00
    Location: Chipping Camden to Bath
    Affiliated Entry Fee: £20 - Payment link will be sent when teams confirmed
    Team Manager: Steve Oliver


    103 miles, 10 Stages, Off-road through the Cotswolds.

    The Cotswold Way Relay is now in its 32th year. It works as 10 back-to-back races, with each stage having a mass start at the expected arrival time of the 1st runner from the previous stage.

    The relay is over 90% off-road. Starting from Chipping Campden in the early morning, using the way-marked route of the Cotswold Way through to Bath in the early evening. It takes in many hills, woodlands, fields and tracks, all offering spectacular views of the countryside. The trail is split into 10 stages, varying in ascent and length, to offer a differing flavour for each runner in the team. Apart from a few busy road crossings there are no marshals, or additional markers, so route finding is all part of the spirit of the event. In recent years the Cotswold Way Authority has considerably improved the signage, as part of its upgrade to National Trail status. The race route follows the National Trail except for a couple of well indicated changes made for safety reasons

    The event is over 18s only. We hope to enter 2 teams but the event is limited to 100 teams overall. A payment link will be sent when teams are confirmed in April. Please sign up now to indicate you are interested in participating. Other logistics and costs will be communicated separately.


    Members can login to register and see who else is planning to run: