• Kit Night, EGM, Magic Mile and Pizza – 25 Jun 2024

    We’d love to see all members at an exciting evening we’ve planned for Tuesday 25 June from 7pm in place of the usual training session. Of course, because this is Britain, if the weather is against us we’ll move it all to the following week (Tuesday 2 Jul 24).

    Kit Night – Try, Buy and Eat Pizza

    Our sponsors, Alton Sports, will bring along plenty of clothes and shoes to try and buy, and we’ll provide the pizza, so it will be a great chance to socialise with your fellow club members during and after the main event. You’ll be able to do our very favourite thing as runners: try new running clothes and shoes on and bust your budget buying them if you choose! We really hope that lots of you will come along. Please let us know if there are any dietary requirements that we need to bear in mind.

    Extraordinary General Meeting – Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s

    We also have a bit of business to attend to which we wanted to use this opportunity of having us all together to do. We need to hold an EGM to adopt some changes to the Club constitution to help the club run smoother, and we can only change the constitution at an EGM.

    These changes include a lesser quorum for meetings (15% instead of 25%), a change to the financial year and proxies counting in the quorum, and some other minor and administrative changes. We plan to make these changes with a brief vote from members.

    In addition, we were not technically quorate at the AGM in March because proxy votes do not count unless the constitution specifically says so (which we will change above). As the current committee members were appointed at the AGM, we feel that the right thing to do is to get another show of hands to re-elect those posts and elect a new social and communications officer.

    Please, therefore, see the notice of EGM here, 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting, which sets out these points in more detail and includes the revised constitution.

    Magic Mile – Who will lift the trophy?

    Most exciting of all, we’ll also be holding the inaugural WRC Magic Mile, with teams of 4 competing in a relay event over a measured mile on Gaterfield. More details will follow via WhatsApp.

    As always, if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of this with any committee member, please feel free to email, WhatsApp or indeed grab any of us at training.

    We look forward to seeing you on the 25 June!